Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye"...   H.Jackson Brown
 In the written think, said that our heart see that all who our eyes unable to see.By this directly can understand that here not that matter who we see generally ,Who finds just face at the eye,Whatever sees whole world eyes but that who our eyes unable to see,It means who we feel by our soul.We see by eye who we think but after see heart we compel to think.And when we compel to think then we see that in the opposite medium Whether it be man or tree.
                                                                   As if we see any tree...if we see by eye,we think before see and then see whole trees including branch then we will see who that we though before,It means if we required any furniture then we see that in tree,see that piece by which furniture can make up.And if we think after see then we will see whatever by Heart,means who see by Heart that will think that if this tree live then we find profit by this always and we feel that situation who find by the tree and will see by Heart that we unable to see eye.Eyes will see that who are show generally but Heat will see that who are actually gained and will.
                       If we explain in the easiest word then we take example Oxygen by which we live that our eyes can't see.But Oxygen after mix up in our blood of body arrive in the Heart then we find life,Feel and see by Heart.
Heart see the Love and Feelings but our eyes can't.Our feelings of Heart can see Heart.Heart relation direct to Heart.If anybody smile in oppression then our eyes can see by physically but our Heart will see all happiness and sorrow in the back side of smile.





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